The Supreme and Landscape and Habitat enhancement award in 2021 was given to Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust for their trail-blazing community action on wilding pine control. Wilding pines pose a significant problem in the Sounds. The Trust was set up in 2003 to stop the rapid spread of wilding pine trees and bring back the native bush and distinctive skylines of the Sounds.
NMIT’s Gingko café provides catering for functions in Marlborough
The Gingko Café on NMIT’s Marlborough Campus provides catering for functions. Whether you are looking for a formal sit-down meal or simple morning tea, afternoon refreshments or lunch, the Gingko café can provide a solution for your upcoming event.
Call 03 5772858 or email for a chat about your requirements or to see sample menus.
Introducing MPI and Hill Laboratory's new faces at the Grovetown campus
Introducing seven new faces on Campus
When you are next on campus, you are likely to come across these seven new faces from NZ Winegrowers, Bragato Research Institute (BRI) and Hill Laboratories. We would like to briefly introduce them to you here. We share more exciting information about the staff and their role on campus in this link.
Cawthron Marlborough Environment Awards Dinner - tickets on sale now
Marlborough weather
The year 2020 will forever be etched in our minds because of the global pandemic. Today, however, we look back at the past year for its notable weather data, gathered by Plant & Food Research. The data is partially funded by the Marlborough Research Centre to facilitate a large range of research activities.
Molecular DNA biology technology beyond the lab
With the help of Marlborough company DNAiTECH anyone can now make DNA measurements in the field.
The start-up biotech company is a new Marlborough Research Centre (MRC) tenant located on MRC’s Grovetown Campus.