Working for Nature/Mahi mō te Taiao grant scheme

Do you want to restore a native habitat?

You can apply for the 2023/24 Working for Nature/Mahi mō te Taiao grant scheme  until Sunday 30 April.

This year $111,500 will be available for projects from pest control to restoring wetland areas on public, private or Māori-owned land in Marlborough.


Funding is awarded under three categories:

•             Habitat Marlborough – for restoring native habitats, improving biodiversity and freshwater quality

•             Protecting Marlborough – for animal and plant pest control

•             Environmental Advocacy – a new category for initiatives that promote environmental awareness


This will be the fourth year of funding for the scheme which has provided the opportunity for groups and individuals to protect and enhance the environment. The maximum cap on a Habitat Marlborough project is $10,000; Protecting Marlborough is $15,000 and Environmental Advocacy is $2,000.


Scan the QR code or click the link to go straight to the Marlborough District Council information and application page.
