Public enemy number one

Stink Bug, courtesy of Newsroom

Stink Bug, courtesy of Newsroom

Be aware of the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). It hasn’t become established in New Zealand yet, but a Newsroom article explains why Ed Massey, GM Sustainability of NZWG, based at MRC sees it as public enemy number one, and why we all need to care also.

The article mentions Ed’s work, and also that of Plant & Food Research scientist Dr Max Suckling, who has worked in Italy trialing live traps to catch the stink bugs.

Bon Voyage

After almost 20 years at the Marlborough Research Centre, new viticulture challenges are calling Marc Greven to France.

Since receiving a PhD degree in 2000 from Lincoln University, Marc has been working as a Research Scientist in Viticulture and Oenology for Plant & Food Research (PFR) while also teaching for Lincoln University and the Nelson Marlborough institute of Technology in Blenheim.